This blog "Chamber Chat" is here to help you understand the benefits of being a part of your local Chamber of Commerce and provide helpful tips for succeeding as a small business. THE MISSION of the Anthem Area Chamber of Commerce is to be a member-driven chamber of influence, leading cooperative action to enhance business development, community investment, and tourism attraction in the North Valley and surrounding High Sonoran Desert region.
THE VISION of the Anthem Area Chamber of Commerce is to be the premier voice of business and a destination marketing organization, acting as a catalyst for economic growth and fostering the development of tomorrow’s business and community leaders.
With that said, we want to go one step further and offer content like this to supplement our Business Support section and give you all a place to go for easy access tips. We believe that the future success of our community relies on our members we we want to do everything we can to help you and motivate you to be the best you can be!
Considering our core values, we truly want to be able to portray them all to you. Here they are:
MEMBER DRIVEN: We appreciate and value that our members are our core existence. We will strive to provide an environment that contributes to our members’ success.
EXCELLENCE: We will always strive for excellence in all we say and do.
INTEGRITY: We will ensure alignment between our actions and our beliefs, engage in honest self-scrutiny, and do what is right for the broader good. We will be consistent and keep our commitments.
COLLABORATION: We will welcome all opportunities for cooperation and inclusion in meeting the needs of our members and our community. We will work towards a common vision.
LEADERSHIP: We will be true to our role as the business leader in our region and be a model to others in our community. We will offer our talent and expertise for the betterment of our community. We will properly use our influence and exhibit the skills of leaders to ensure the success of our organization and our region.
We appreciate each and every one of you and stay tuned for more blogs in the future :)